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Office Ergonomics for Better WORK HEALTH
The Office Ergonomics for Better WORK HEALTH Training program aims to improve an employee’s ability to identify and manage hazards and risks in the workplace. The training looks at how office- based work, working postures, work habits and workstation set-up directly affect the health and physical wellbeing of employees, and therefore the risk of injury. Using a risk management approach, employees are encouraged to take self-responsibility for the assessment and minimisation of risks within their work environment and workstation.
The 1 hour training package presents both theoretical and practical information to increase an employee’s awareness of the way they interact with their work environment and the effect this has on their physical and mental wellbeing. Ergonomic, anatomical and risk management theory is presented through a PowerPoint presentation to facilitate this, followed by a practical component.
The Occupational Therapist can follow up the training session with individual screenings and training to ensure employees are competent in adjusting their workstation to suit their individual needs.